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EHS Policy - Moove

Published: May 12, 2023


Moove is an African-born, global mobility fintech that is democratising access to financial services for mobility entrepreneurs. We do this by embedding our alternative credit scoring technology onto ride-hailing, logistics, mass transit, and instant delivery platforms, using proprietary performance and revenue analytics to underwrite customers that have previously been excluded from financial services. Moove currently operates in 11 markets across Africa, Middle East, Europe and Asia, and is Uber's largest vehicle supply partner across EMEA.

This Environmental, Health, Safety and Social (EHSS) Policy states Moove’s commitment to its staff, customers, partners, investors, and members of the community in which it operates.

Moove is committed to: 

  • Integrating EHSS risk management into each component and lifecycle of its business relationships and operations.
  • Integrate EHSS considerations into all aspects of Moove operations;
  • Ensure that there is appropriate internal capacity to manage EHSS risks within the business, through the appointment of suitable qualified/experienced EHSS staff, with the support of external specialists and through internal training programmes.
  • Develop and implement effective management processes for the identification, assessment, categorization, mitigation, monitoring and reporting of EHSS risks and impacts.  
  • Promote compliance and adherence to EHSS related laws of the respective countries in which we operate as well as any relevant international covenants and/or standards (e.g. the IFC Performance Standards).
  • Developing emergency response processes that protect life, limit damage and minimise business disruption, for the benefit of our staff, our communities, and our operations.
  • Protecting our environment through implementing a climate strategy that proactively reduces greenhouse gas emissions, prevents pollution and minimises our impacts on the environment. 
  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions from our vehicles through various programmes including purchasing low emission vehicles, phased-in purchasing of electric,hybrid and CNG vehicles and promotion of fuel conservation practices.  
  • Providing a safe and healthy work environment to all people working for or on behalf of Moove, through implementing a process of identification and management of H&S risks.
  • Engage our staff, contractors and clients in matters relating to H&S to ensure we are effective in our approach. 
  • Engage proactively and effectively with our key stakeholders, including our staff, customers, partners, investors, and members of the community.

Ladi Delano
Jide Odunsi

Moove Co-CEO